How to: Rollersetting with Magnetic Rollers

I'm trying to convince myself to rollerset my hair more often.  I know it's a really good way to style my hair with limited heat, but it's so time consuming.  Washing and Rolling my hair is not the problem, it's the time spent sitting under the dryer, ugh - such a pain.  This time I tried sitting under the dryer for 30 minutes, letting it airdry for a couple of hours and when I was ready to take them out I sat under the dryer for another 30 minutes.  It takes longer but I just can't sit still for that long. :/

Here is a picture tutorial on how I rollerset my hair:

(1) Part your hair creating a mohawk.  (I like to make the parts line up with the inner portion of the irises of my eyes).  
(2) Make a perpendicular part at the crown of my head and make another part about an inch apart. 

(4) Start rolling: 
Pull the hair forward while rolling.  
Make sure the hair is wet and sticks to the roller easily.  
The hair should be taut as you roll it upwards. 

(5) Once it's rolled up.  Secure it with 2 clips. 

(6) Continue rolling 1 inch sections all the way to the front. 

And continue rolling down the back to the nape finishing the mohawk. 

Preparing to roll the sides:
(7) Make a vertical part.
(8) Clamp the front section to keep it out of the way. 

 (9) Create another 1 inch section at the top with a vertical part.
(10) Roll these section upwards/over (in the opposite direction of the rollers in the mohawk).

(11) Continue rolling that back/side section, like so. 

Rolling the Front/Side Section:
(12) Create a horizontal part.
(13) Clamp the bottom section to keep it out of the way.
(14) One the top section: Create another 1 inch section with a vertical part. 
(15) Roll in 1 inch sections until you reach the front. 

(16) Take that bottom section and roll it upwards into a roller. 

The Takedown: Remove the pins and rollers.

(17) Messaging my scalp to hide the partitions on my scalp. 

Some helpful tips:
-Keep a spray bottle filled with water close to make sure the hair is WET as you roll each section.
-Pay attention to the direction that the hair is rolled in (over or under).
-You won't get it done perfectly on the first attempt: Practice makes perfect (I'm still practicing, lol).

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