My Edges Have Gone Rogue!

At 10 weeks post relaxer, my edges have gone rogue.  I promised myself I would not slick them down with my gel and brush like I did with my last stretch, but after looking at my hair in the mirror this evening, I had to do something!

Here I am this evening (2 days since my most recent roller set):

My Solution: flat ironing my roots.  

Meet my cast and crew:

Comb Chase Method.  I typically use my jibere straightening comb to do the comb chase method, but I couldn't find it.  Instead I started out using the rat tail comb, but ended up liking the round brush better for pulling my hair taut.  I only flat ironed my new growth on the front half of my head and was done in less than 20 minutes.

I used the Elasta QP silkening serum to flat iron for the first time and I really like it.  My roots feel amazingly soft and smooth.  I'm going to try it on my whole head the next time I flat iron. 

I am happy with the results, despite the evil eyes I've got going in this pic, lol.

Tomorrow, my hair shouldn't look so haphazard.  :):):)

My next relaxer is in 2 weeks...
