My Flexi Rod Set Lasted 5 Days!

Remember my flexi rod set from last week?  Well I wanted share how it held up in the following days.  Each night I would pineapple my hair to preserve the curls.  When the morning came I would essentially shake and go.  I did not moisturize or anything like that over the days because I wanted to minimize frizz.  Below you'll see how the set held up over 5 days.
Day 1

Day 2

Day 4

Day 5

With each day the frizz increased.  By day 5 some of the curls started to fall and the ends were starting to straighten, so I pulled it into a ponytail.  I was very pleased with the results of this flexi rod set and how long it lasted.  It was quicker to set than a traditional roller set and has a shorter drying time (because I started with partially air dried hair).  The only part I didn't enjoy was detangling my curly hair for my next wash day.  That took more time to complete and I had to be extremely careful to avoid breakage.  But other than that it was a great style.  I got a bunch of compliments on my hair this week, which never happens with my buns, lol.  I will be doing this style again for sure.

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