Protective Styling Pictorials, For The Win

Protective Styling is pretty much in everyone's top 3 things that helps you to retain length.  And while we all are familiar with the standard: braids, weaves, wigs and buns.  If you are anything like me that's about as far as your mind goes when it comes to choosing a protective style.  Well, I came across this post on Tumblr and decided to share these incredibly beautiful (and creative) protective styles pictorials.  Now, yes they're all on natural hair, but there's no reason a relaxed head couldn't replicate these styles with the same level of awesomeness. Take a look at these fabulous women and their creative protective styles.  

(Source: KinkyCurlyBeauty on Instagram)

(Source: fret_ on Instagram)

(Source: mekony on Instagram)

(Source: mz_tammy on Instagram)

(Source: Revele Toi)

(Source: mz_tammy on Instagram)

(Source: Janae Mason on Youtube)

Which is your favorite?

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